sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009

Super Expert A x Super Expert C - Novag

Não somente a força resulta na diferença entre o Super Expert C contra o Super Expert A. Super Expert C vem equipado com um processador adicional, o R65C51P2. Este processador temo condão de habilitar a comunicação serial. CMOS R65C51 Asynchronous Communications.

"Interface Adapter (ACIA) provides an easily implemented, program controlled interface between 8-bit microprocessor-based systems and serial communication data sets and modems. The ACIA has an internal baud rate generator. This feature eliminates the need for multiple component support circuits, a crystal being the only other part required. The Transmitter baud rate can be selected under program control to be either 1 of 15 different rates from 50 to 19,200 baud, or at l/16 times an external clock rate. The Receiver baud rate may be selected under program control to be either the Transmitter rate, or at l/16 times the external clock rate. The ACIA has programmable word lengths of 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits; even, odd, or no parity; 1, 1'12, or 2 stop bits. The ACIA is designed for maximum programmed control from the microprocessor (MPU), to simplify hardware implementation. Three separate registers permit the MPU to easily select the R65C51’s operating modes and’ data checking parameters and determine operational status. The Command Register controls parity, receiver echo mode, transmitter interrupt control, the state of the RTS line, receiver interrupt control, and the state of the DTR line. The Control Register controls the number of stop bits, word length, receiver clock source, and baud rate."

Ainda, possui dois CI's que trabalham em conjunto com o dito processador.

Por sua vez, no Super Expert A, estes slots estão vazios, o que faz acreditar que poderiam serem preenchidos com os ditos componentes.

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