segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

Applied Concepts/Chafitz Boris/Sargon 2.5

Aproveitando o texto da matéria que reproduzi neste blog, ver post anteriores, tenho algumas máquinas desenvolvidas por Applied Concepts. Por incrível que possa parecer ainda funcionam e estão em ótimo estado de conservação.

"The Spracklens, top programmers of the time, began concentrating on serious program advancement with their Applied Concepts/Chafitz Boris/Sargon 2.5 program. Chafitz marketed Boris/Sargon 2.5 as the first serious ‘tournament players’ computer in the form of the then conventional key-punch system, calling it the Modular Game System." - "créditos desta matéria pertencem a Players Chess News (1986) com atualização de Source: 11-1986, International Players Chess News: A History (Recap) of Chess Computers. (Slightly edited by Hein Veldhuis.)

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