[Event "Computer chess game"]
[Date "2012.02.25"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ompericias"]
[Black "Amsterdam_UCI [001]"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "D45"]
[WhiteElo "2400"]
[BlackElo "2000"]
[PlyCount "16"]
[EventDate "2012.??.??"]
[TimeControl "40/300:40/300:40/300"]
1. d4 d5 {0.01/1 0} 2. c4 c6 {0.01/1 0} 3. e3 Nf6 {0.01/1 7 (Ng8-f6 c4xd5 c6xd5)} 4. Bd3 Bg4 {0.04/1 8 (Bc-g4 Ng1-f3 e7-e6) 8} 5. Nf3 e6 {-0.04/1 7 (e-e6 Nb1-c3) 7} 6. Nc3 Bd6 {0.08/1 7 (Bf8-d6 h2-h3 Bg4xf3)} 7. Bd2 Na6 {0.04/ 1 8 (Nb-a6 c4xd5 Na6-b4) 8} 8. a3 O-O {0.01/1 8 (O-O c4-c5 Bd6-c7)} *
Mephisto III S Glasgow
Mephisto MM IV
Mephisto MM V (5.0,
Mephisto Rebel5
Mephisto Amsterdam
Mephisto Roma 32bit
Mephisto Dallas
Para o programa Mess e seus respectivos ROMs - que são os programas propriamente ditos - a última versão é a 1.38a disponível no link mencionado abaixo. Consulte o link Schachcomputer.info relativamente aos possíveis parâmetros.
All you need is the MESS program and the corresponding ROMs of the mentioned chess programs. The latest version of the program 1.38a without the ROMs is available here. More information about this topic can be found in this German forum: Schachcomputer.info. The intersting part of the thread concerning the Winboard part and describing the parameters starts at page 35.
All you need is the MESS program and the corresponding ROMs of the mentioned chess programs. The latest version of the program 1.38a without the ROMs is available here. More information about this topic can be found in this German forum: Schachcomputer.info. The intersting part of the thread concerning the Winboard part and describing the parameters starts at page 35.
Pena que ainda não deram continuidade em desenvolver outras engines que emulasssem maquinas antigas! Enquanto isso, o emulador mess ja esta funcionando (precariamente): polgar, london, berlin, genius, lyon, diablo e super expert.