sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012

ScidvsPC Novag support

De fato a nova versão Scid Pc tem problemas em relação a conexão com o Citrine. Segundo Steven, um dos programadores do Scid Pc recomenda o seguinte procedimento para fixar a conexão com os equipamentos Novag:

"Yes, this seems broken in 4.8

I've committed some elementary fixes to scidvspc subversion.

To use these, (you may have to install the "subversion" package
for your operating system),  execute

  svn co  https://scidvspc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scidvspc

and then compile the source code you just downloaded with

  cd scidvspc
  make install

Hopefully we can get it working. 


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