sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013

Citrine com Ipaq, (diversas engines e livro de abertura progravável)

Livro de aberturas programável;


Tempo programável


Além de trazer as engines Fruit em todas as versões e Toga, o program incorpora as seguintes engines:


Viper is a simplified and considerably weaker version of the chess engine Glaurung. It's main purpose is to serve as a simple instructional example for beginning chess programmers who want to write a parallel search.

At the moment, Viper is still bigger and more complicated than I would like, weighing in at 4924 lines of code. I intend to continue to make it smaller and simpler, while adding more comments.

Glaurung is a strong free chess program for the Apple iPhone. It's powered by the Stockfish chess engine by Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski and Tord Romstad, one of the strongest free chess programs.

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol compliant open source engine by Vladimir Medvedev, written in C++ and relying on the Standard Template Library. Starting the development in 2002, GreKo was first a classical alpha-beta searcher within an iterative deepening framework, performing an evaluation considering material and various positional aspects such as pawn structure. Checks, recaptures and passers arriving the seventh rank were extended. The opening book utilizes the hash table to recognize transpositions. 

[Event "ACM 1987"]
[Site "Dallas USA"]
[Date "1987.10.27"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Greco"]
[Black "GNU Chess"]
[Result "0-1"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Qa4+ Nc6 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.c5 Bd7 6.Qd1 Nf6 7.Bf4 Ne4 8.Qd3 O-O 9.Nf3 a6 10.Rc1 f6 11.h4 e5 12.dxe5 Bf5 13.Qd1 Bxc3+ 14.bxc3 fxe5 15.Nxe5 Nxe5 16.Bxe5 Nxf2 17.Kxf2 Bc2+ 18.Ke3 Bxd1 19.Rxd1 Re8 20.Kf4 Rxe5 21.Kxe5 Qf6+ 0-1

Phalanx's playing style is quite human-like; when it plays at full strength, it may be compared to a intermediate-to-strong club player; beginners will be right at home with it, too. I made some very little changes on Dobes's latest version of Phalanx so it could compile and run on any modern GNU/Linux system. The GCC compiler is required, as it uses some of its extensions. I plan to change that. You can download, report bugs, and discuss Phalanx on the Project page, or make any requests to me directly, espinafre at users dot sourceforge dot net.

", May 28th, 2000
PhalanxXXII was the most interesting of the seven engines (in my opinion). I was looking forward to a wild sacrificial game against it (based on the engine's description at the ChessBase GmbH site), but Phalanx fooled me. I played a couple of games against it immediately after replaying a couple of Steinitz' games from Reti's book Masters of the Chessboard. Steinitz was the master of the pawn push. He often drove his pawns relentlessly forward to deny space to his opponent. To my surprise (I might even say "shock"), Phalanx does the same thing. Control of space is evidently given high priority in its evaluation algorithm. As I played against Phalanx, it seemed intent on throttling me ("python-like", to use the hoary old stereotype). I give this program high marks for positional play -- the pawn pushes it made were all strong ones, and it never gave my Knights a chance to exploit any holes it may have created. Despite the relatively low rating range in "Handicap and fun" mode (1150-1950), Phalanx was without question the most unique and interesting of the seven engines and I'm looking forward to my next game against it."

a sophisticated open source chess engine by Daniel Shawul, written in C++ and compliant to the Chess Engine Communication Protocol with builds running under Windows and Linux. Scorpio participated at the CCT9, CCT11 and CCT12 online tournaments, and played the ICT 2007 over the board. It is base of Daniel's general game playing engine Nebiyu, able to play Chess variants, Checkers, Reversi, Go and Amazons.

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