"On the Chess-board lie and hypocrisy do not survive long." Lasker’s Manual of Chess by E. Lasker (New York, 1927), page 262. "Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein
segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009
quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009
segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009
Simuls against 200 opponents
According chessbase.com: "on Saturday, 22 August 2009, 200 amateurs played against eight champions who have left indelible marks on chess in the past 50 years: Viswanathan Anand, Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Viktor Korchnoi, Vladimir Kramnik, Boris Spassky, Ruslan Ponomariov and Veselin Topalov. Each of them played against 25 amateurs, 200 games altogether, one for every year of the club's history"
Video reports by Europe Echecs:
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009
tradechess x PocketGrandmaster on Ipaq 6515!
When I win, I like to publish my games. I dont like to play e4, always play d4! However, today I have played e4 and against e4, the computer played e5. I dont know this gambit, so from the site http://www.chesspub.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1177230554 I have the following statement of this open book:
I'm beginning to believe this less common version of the Schliemann Defense may be black's best try.
1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6!?
The normal move is 4...fxe and then after Nxe4 either 5...Nf6 or 5...d5. I would really like to understand the motivation behind 4...fxe. Black first offered a gambit and then after white is hesitant to accept it, why doesn't he offer it again with 4...Nf6!? It appears to me that fxe fails to accomplish 3 possible goals of the gambit: Deflection, Developement and Opening Lines.
In T.D. harding's book on counter gambits (open games section) he writes: "f5 is primarily a deflecting move, seeking to obtain a strong pawn centre at the cost of weakening the king's position". By playing 4...fxe black voluntarilly gives up on the idea of deflecting the e4 pawn from the center.
In Schiller's book on gambits he comments that a wing pawn gambit is often played in hopes of gaining a lead in developement. In an ideal world, white would play exf5 and at some point black gets to play Bxf5. The net result would be a gain of 1 tempo and development because white made two pawn moves to black's one. Instead, 4...fxe4 encourages 5.Nxe4, which only helps move white's army forward. Although the jury is still out, most people agree that black's tactical try 5...d5 is close to refuted and hence does not justify fxe4.
Opening Lines:
Of course black would love to use the open f file to attack white's king after he castles kingside. 4...fxe4 does open up this file for black, but it seems premature. Black cannot use this half open file untill after he moves his king's knight and bishop and then plays O-O. fxe4 is effectively opening lines for white, who is up a tempo and can use the e file to presure black in the variant 4...fxe Nxe4 5...Nf6. 4...Nf6 gets black one move closer to O-O so that he might be able to use that open file!
So why not play 4...Nf6 and offer the gambit pawn again? From a practical perspective it may be a better move since it doesn't appear in the opening theory that your booked-up Ruy Lopez opponents love so much. From an objective viewpoint, if it cannot be refuted, it is certainly no worse than 4...fxe.
Some example lines to consider:
1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6!? 5.exf5 e4 6.Ng5 d5 7.O-O Bxf5
White accepts the gambit giving black a big center. Can black get castled quickly enough to survive white's attempts to undermine it?
Opening Lines / Development:
1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6!? 5.Bxc6 dxc 6.Nxe5 Bc5 7.d3 O-O 8.O-O fxe!
Now black can hope to use that half open file. Does he have enough pressure to compensate for being down a pawn?
I'm beginning to believe this less common version of the Schliemann Defense may be black's best try.
1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6!?
The normal move is 4...fxe and then after Nxe4 either 5...Nf6 or 5...d5. I would really like to understand the motivation behind 4...fxe. Black first offered a gambit and then after white is hesitant to accept it, why doesn't he offer it again with 4...Nf6!? It appears to me that fxe fails to accomplish 3 possible goals of the gambit: Deflection, Developement and Opening Lines.
In T.D. harding's book on counter gambits (open games section) he writes: "f5 is primarily a deflecting move, seeking to obtain a strong pawn centre at the cost of weakening the king's position". By playing 4...fxe black voluntarilly gives up on the idea of deflecting the e4 pawn from the center.
In Schiller's book on gambits he comments that a wing pawn gambit is often played in hopes of gaining a lead in developement. In an ideal world, white would play exf5 and at some point black gets to play Bxf5. The net result would be a gain of 1 tempo and development because white made two pawn moves to black's one. Instead, 4...fxe4 encourages 5.Nxe4, which only helps move white's army forward. Although the jury is still out, most people agree that black's tactical try 5...d5 is close to refuted and hence does not justify fxe4.
Opening Lines:
Of course black would love to use the open f file to attack white's king after he castles kingside. 4...fxe4 does open up this file for black, but it seems premature. Black cannot use this half open file untill after he moves his king's knight and bishop and then plays O-O. fxe4 is effectively opening lines for white, who is up a tempo and can use the e file to presure black in the variant 4...fxe Nxe4 5...Nf6. 4...Nf6 gets black one move closer to O-O so that he might be able to use that open file!
So why not play 4...Nf6 and offer the gambit pawn again? From a practical perspective it may be a better move since it doesn't appear in the opening theory that your booked-up Ruy Lopez opponents love so much. From an objective viewpoint, if it cannot be refuted, it is certainly no worse than 4...fxe.
Some example lines to consider:
1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6!? 5.exf5 e4 6.Ng5 d5 7.O-O Bxf5
White accepts the gambit giving black a big center. Can black get castled quickly enough to survive white's attempts to undermine it?
Opening Lines / Development:
1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6!? 5.Bxc6 dxc 6.Nxe5 Bc5 7.d3 O-O 8.O-O fxe!
Now black can hope to use that half open file. Does he have enough pressure to compensate for being down a pawn?
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009
domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009
Super Expert A and Novag printer - review the game
Super Expert, A,B or C, has one key called Review. This feature is a good way tutorial, where SE provide if exist one or more tatical moves not played. SE, working with the printer, the game review is a good approach.
Performance Super Expert A against other computers
266 Novag Super Expert/Forte A 6502 5 MHz, 1739, (1618 vs humans, 9 games)
Berlin Pro 1-19
Montreux 1.5-18.5
Atlanta 4.5-35.5
Vancou. 68020 3-17
Lyon 68020 2.5-17.5
Portor. 68020 1-19
Star Sapphire 0-7
Elite 68030 4-16
Berlin 68 000 4.5-15.5
Sapphire II 2-18
Vancou. 68000 2-18
Lyon 68000 4.5-15.5
MM 4 Turbo 16 0.5-19.5
Sapphire 3-17
Atlanta BF 6.5-13.5
Milano Pro 4-16
Portor. 68000 3-17
Roma 68020 5.5-14.5
Almeria 68000 5.5-14.5
Brute Force 9-31
Diablo 68000 5.5-14.5
Mach III 5-15
President 8.5-11.5
Meph. MM 5 5-15
Dallas 68000 5.5-17.5
Polgar 5 MHz 17.5-20.5
Roma 68000 5-19
Meph. Milano 5-15
Super Exp. C 9.5-10.5
Academy 5 MHz 8.5-15.5
Amsterdam 7-13
Super Exp. B 7-13
Maestro D 10 16.5-26.5
Meph. Mega IV 8-12
Excel Mach 2c 20.5-21.5
Mephisto MM 4 13-31
Meph. Modena 8-12
Kasp. GK-2000 9-11
Psion Atari 11.5-13.5
Ruby 7-13
Turboking II 7.5-12.5
Plym Victoria 8.5-11.5
Excel Club 15-11
Mega IV BF 11.5-8.5
Avant Garde 11.5-8.5
Rebell 5 MHz 10.5-9.5
Stratos 6 MHz 7-15
Super Mondial 8-12
Maestro A 6 10-10
Plymate 5.5 12.5-27.5
Simultano C 10-10
Excellence 4 32-30
Turbostar 432 15-5
Excellence 3 14-6
Kasp. Blitz 14-6
Super Const. 14-6
Superstar 36K 19.5-5.5
Elite A/S 3.2 15.5-4.5
Champion 2175 12-8
Conchess 2MHz 14-6
sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009
quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2009
Simultâneas – Uma retrospectiva - Recordes
Em 1996, o Grande mestre Ulf Andersson, entrou para o livro dos recordes, jogando contra 310 oponentes. O inglês, Andrew Martin jogou contra 321 oponentes em 2004, obtendo um resultado de 95,64%. Em agosto de 2005, Susan Polgar jogou contra 350 oponentes, em “Gardens Mall in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida”. Suzan percorreu algo em torno de 9,1 milhas, tomando suco de laranja. O resultado obtido por Suzan foi algo em torno de 99.03%!
Em fevereiro deste ano, o búlgaro Kiril Georgiev jogou contra 360 oponentes. Segundo se noticia no site da chessbase, para cada movimento ele teve que caminhas 500 metros sendo que após seis horas de jogo, foram efetuados somente 8 lances. Foram ao todo 14 horas de jogo, com resultado de 88%.
Agora o iraniano, GM Morteza Mahjoob, 29 anos, está planejando jogar contra 500 oponentes. No momento se prepara fisicamente, caminhando aproximadamente 40 kilometros por dia. Local sera em Terã no “Enghelab Sport Complex”, nesta quinta 13 de agosto.
domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009
“XVII Torneo de Hombres vs Máquina - meca-web.es/index.htm
À Luis Barona rendo minhas homenagens. O trabalho que Barona desenvolve a serviço dos colecionadores causa inveja positiva. Promove torneios, divulga com muita propriedade as características de cada modelo, sem dúvida um colecionador criterioso. Em seu site aprendemos a cada momento. Recentemente, Barona recebeu karpov que ao contrário do que se poderia imaginar, karpov se mostrou elegante e curioso acerca dos diversos modelos das máquinas dedicadas, tendo colocado seu autógrafo na primeira máquina produzida comercialmente pela Fidelity. Ainda, a matéria no site de Barona alude sobre o confronto marcado para setembro entre Kasparov x Karpov. 1m 15 de agosto, começa o próximo torneio, homem x máquinas, conforme divulgado por Barona:
“XVII Torneo de Hombres vs Máquina. El 15 de agosto de 2009 repetimos el tradicional torneo, el cual consistirá en un enfrentamiento de 4 jugadores frente a 4 computadoras a ritmo de 2 horas para toda la partida. Con el apoyo de los coleccionistas que puedan acudir podemos aumentar el número de máquinas que participarán. Entre las computadoras, queremos probar las Mephisto Berlin Pro, Genius 69030 y Magellan junto con el famoso y raro Saitek Sparc. El resto de computadoras dependerá de la participación de distintos coleccionistas.”
“XVII Torneo de Hombres vs Máquina. El 15 de agosto de 2009 repetimos el tradicional torneo, el cual consistirá en un enfrentamiento de 4 jugadores frente a 4 computadoras a ritmo de 2 horas para toda la partida. Con el apoyo de los coleccionistas que puedan acudir podemos aumentar el número de máquinas que participarán. Entre las computadoras, queremos probar las Mephisto Berlin Pro, Genius 69030 y Magellan junto con el famoso y raro Saitek Sparc. El resto de computadoras dependerá de la participación de distintos coleccionistas.”
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009
Anonimo 2200 rated x Chess Genius on Ipaq - 1 second per move !
Player rated 2200 elo, White 2200 Elo = 36 minutes - Black Chess Genius = 1 second per move = 34 seconds entire game! É uma pena que no Brasil, pouco se fala sobre estas máquinas e quando se fala, pouco se aproveita, tendo em vista alguns comentários são provenientes de quem não tem o mínimo conhecimento sobre elas. Já provei que algumas máquinas, não conseguem ser vencidas por alguns rotulados mestres aqui no Brasil e ainda, quando eles perdem costumamos ouvir “não joguei com atenção”. Ao contrário, quando o humano tem resultado positivo, o que é raro, o tempo despendido para reflexão do humano foi infinitamente superior ao da máquina, portanto, não há mérito algum. Fica aberto o desafio, um desafio positivo, jogadores com até 2400 de rating jogando contra algumas máquinas. Quem se habilita? Não é fácil manter a humildade, poucos tem essa virtude.
sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009
Um abismo entre os computadores dedicados quando comparados com os programas que rodam no Ipaq - Chess Genius
President - Saitek play in 10 minutos - Chess Genius play instant !
quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009
Tournament - dedicate computers under 1900 - schachcomputer.info

O site http://www.schachcomputer.info/ está promovendo um torneio para máquinas dedicadas com rating inferior a 1900. a classificação atual figura ao lado. Segue liderando Fidelity Designer 2000 Display, Elite A/S 8 MHz vem seguindo de perto, se considerarmos que Krypton tem 12 partidas, enquanto Fidelity tem 11 partidas. A dúvida fica por SciSys 432, que jogou apenas 9 partidas e tem 7.5. Noticias virão.
Partidas em pgn :
quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009
Milton - MB Eletronics

Milton Bradley nasceu em Viena, faleceu em 1911. Sua empresa continuou, tendo como fulcro invenções no ramo de jogos. O computador Milton – MB nasceu em 1983, um computador robotizado MB Grandmaster e MB Phantom nos EEUU e Milton na Alemanha, tendo patenteado o modelo em 1984. Pouco tempo após, Milton Bradley foi comprado por Hasbro, Inc, entidade que continua até os dias atuais. Entretanto, para os admiradores de computadores, o modelo e patente foi vendido à Fidelity Electronics e posteriormente por transmição de direitos, à Mephisto.

Fonte: http://www.spacious-mind.com/html/miltonbradley.html
terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009
sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009
Super Expert A x Kasparov Blitz
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